Finding employment or making extra money has never been as tough as it is right now. Fewer jobs, a damaged economy and more people entering the job market almost daily are all making this challenge even greater...
Employed2020 has a different vision. We are here to empower and enable anyone who is struggling to find employment, or simply looking to earn extra income every month. How? By offering you the opportunity to join our exciting team as an Employed2020 Agent and begin selling a host of exciting mobile, insurance, funeral cover, investment and other products within your local community.
Employed2020 has developed an app that is loaded with incredible products that will be of great benefit to your friends, family and local community. These include great deals on mobile data and airtime, affordable life insurance packages, fantastic funeral cover policies, life-changing investment products, and more...
By registering as an Employed2020 agent, not only will you get to offer these incredible deals to the people you know and care about, you will be able to make really good money out of it too. To sign up, all you have to do is complete the form below and we will empower you to start building the life you want for you and your family!
A better tomorrow begins today. To register, simply fill in the form below​. A member of the Employed2020 team will then contact you with your login details for the Employed2020 app.
“Registering with Employed2020 was the best decision I have ever made. I struggled to find work for two years, and now I am self-employed and making enough money to support myself and my family. God bless you!”
Musa Sithole
“Thank you Employed2020 for everything you have done for me. I was stuck in a horrible job earning almost no money when I started this work on the side. Now I only do this and am earning five times more!”